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Turbo kits

Henzol is distributing components for exhaust-driven superchargers. We would like to help the work of our partners by distributing turbo kits and parts such as components, repair kits, shafts, compressor impellers, downstream walls, bearing housings, center pieces, which are completely assembled and entirely corresponds to the factory technological specifications. Our company has relationships in more than 32 countries in Europe, with large and small supercharger services, and we are continuously developing our turbo parts stock according to the requirements they experience. Thanks to the large amount of parts on stock, we can immediately deliver the required component in case of an order. At homepage a unique database (supercharger database) significantly helps our partners to quickly find the item numbers of the components, which are necessary for the repair, and to order it.

Címkék: henzol turbo kits

Megjelenés ideje: 2013-03-01 08:30:40

Beküldte: Gyufás Lilla

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