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Essence LiquidSkin Cikkszám: 411031 I3 Cikkszám: 411040 liquidskin Cikkszám: 411042 One Vision Cikkszám: 411046 One Vision (Sunrise) Cikkszám: 411047 Opera Cikkszám: 411019 Star LiquidSkin Cikkszám: 411030 X-VISION Cikkszám: 411044 X-VISION LiquidSkin Cikkszám: 411045 X-Vision Mid Cikkszám: 411024 X-VU Cikkszám: 411036 X-VU LiquidSkin Cikkszám: 411033 X-VU LiquidSkin Sunrise Cikkszám: 411041

Essence LiquidSkinCikkszám: 411031
Unique design for a unique technology• Great comfort and ample field of vision
• Quick-adjusting buckles on the skirt
• Light, foldable, easy to storeThe Essence scuba mask is the maximum expression of LiquidSkin technology. Silicone and glass come together and blend to create a mask that is truly one of a kind. Light and foldable,thanks to the buckles on the skirt, it offers a broad field of vision. All the features are orchestrated by the exclusive design, a synthesis of technology and aesthetics.

Címkék: búvármaszkok

Megjelenés ideje: 2015-08-21 21:41:46

Beküldte: Gazdag Nikolett

Webdesign service by Sarkis. Outsourcing by FreelanceWebmarket.

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